Full name Familienname, Vorname
Edthofer, Alexander
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Edthofer, Alexander ; Körner, Andreas Model-Based Approaches for Classification of Levels of ConsciousnessPresentation Vortrag7-Oct-2023
2Ettel, Dina ; Edthofer, Alexander ; Körner, Andreas Performance Analysis of Permutation Entropy and Entropy of Difference applied to EEG DataPresentation Vortrag7-Oct-2023
3Franka, Michelle ; Edthofer, Alexander ; Körner, Andreas ; Widmann, Sandra ; Fenzl, Thomas ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Kreuzer, Matthias An in-depth analysis of parameter settings and probability distributions of specific ordinal patterns in the Shannon permutation entropy during different states of consciousness in humansArticle Artikel 29-Jul-2023
4Edthofer, Alexander ; Feldhammer, Iris ; Fenzl, Thomas ; Körner, Andreas ; Kreuzer, Matthias Permutation Entropy as a Conceptual Model to Analyse Brain Activity in SleepInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag4-Jul-2023
5Edthofer, Alexander ; Feldhammer, Iris ; Hasil, Serap ; Horvath, Clara ; Körner, Andreas ; Međo, Lana ; Modiz, Corinna ; Reisz, Petra Technology-supported Teaching of Modeling and Simulation in Inverted Classroom FormatInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag3-Jul-2023
6Edthofer Alexander - 2023 - Model-Based Approaches for Sleep Stage...pdf.jpgEdthofer, Alexander Model-based approaches for sleep stage classification using time-domain EEG analysisThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
7Modiz, Corinna ; Edthofer, Alexander ; Körner, Andreas Heuristische Untersuchung von Online-Prüfungen an der TU WienKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
8Edthofer, A. ; Bicher, M. ; Breitenecker, F. Train schedule analysis and optimization with the Max-Plus AutomatonKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
9Edthofer, Alexander ; Bicher, Martin ; Breitenecker, Felix "Performance Evaluation of Timed Events in Railways" in ÖsterreichKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020