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Blaho, Matej
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Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Jurkovic, M. ; Gregusova, D. ; Palankovski, V. ; Hascik, Stefan ; Blaho, M. ; Cico, K. ; Frohlich, K. ; Carlin, J. ; Grandjean, N. ; Kuzmik, J. Schottky-Barrier Normally Off GaN/InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMT With Selectively Etched Access RegionArtikel Article 2013
2Jurkovic, M ; Gregusova, Dagmar ; Hascik, S. ; Blaho, M. ; Molnar, Marian ; Palankovski, Vassil ; Donoval, D ; Carlin, J.-F ; Grandjean, Nicolas ; Kuzmik, J. GaN/InAlN/AlN/GaN Normally-Off HEMT with Etched Access RegionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
3Jurkovic, M ; Gregusova, Dagmar ; Hascik, S. ; Blaho, M. ; Cico, Karol ; Palankovski, Vassil ; Carlin, J.-F ; Grandjean, Nicolas ; Kuzmik, Jan Polarization Engineered Normally-Off GaN/InlN/AlN/GaN HEMTKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
4Kuzmik, Jan ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Dubec, Victor ; Blaho, M. ; Marso, M ; Kordos, P ; Suski, T ; Bockowski, M ; Grzegory, I ; Pogany, Dionyz Characterization of III-Nitride Group Semiconductors and Devices Using Optical MethodsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
5Heer, Michael ; Dubec, Victor ; Blaho, M. ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Gornik, Erich ; Denison, Marie ; Stecher, Matthias ; Groos, Gerhard Automated setup for thermal imaging and electrical degradation study of power DMOS devicesArtikel Article2005
6Heer, Michael ; Dubec, Victor ; Blaho, M. ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Gornik, Erich ; Denison, Marie ; Stecher, Matthias ; Groos, Gerhard Automated setup for thermal imaging and electrical degradation study of power DMOS devicesPräsentation Presentation2005
7Blaho Matej - 2005 - Experimental characterisation of smart power technology...pdf.jpgBlaho, Matej Experimental characterisation of smart power technology devices stressed by high energy pulsesThesis Hochschulschrift 2005
8Kuzmik, Jan ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; neuburger, Martin ; Dadgar, A ; Blaho, M. ; Krost, A ; Kohn, Erhard ; Pogany, Dionyz Transient Self-Heating Effects in AlgaN/GaN HEMTsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
9Denison, Marie ; Blaho, M. ; Rodin, Pavel ; Dubec, Victor ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Silber, D ; Gornik, Erich ; Stecher, Matthias Moving Current Filaments in Integrated DMOS Transistors Under Short-Duration Current StressArtikel Article2004
10Dubec, Victor ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Blaho, M. ; Heer, Michael ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Gornik, Erich ; Denison, Marie ; Jensen, Nils ; Stecher, Matthias ; Groos, Gerhard Multiple-time-instant 2D thermal mapping during a single ESD eventPräsentation Presentation2004
11Kuzmik, Jan ; Blaho, M. ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Gornik, Erich ; Alam, A ; Dikme, Y ; Heuken, M ; Javorka, P ; Marso, M ; Kordos, P Backgating, high-current and breakdown characterisation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on silicon substratesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2003
12Denison, Marie ; Blaho, M. ; Silber, D ; Joos, J ; Jensen, Nils ; Stecher, Matthias ; Dubec, Victor ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Gornik, Erich Hot spot dynamics in quasi vertical DMOS under ESD stressKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2003
13Kuzmik, Jan ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Blaho, M. ; Gornik, Erich ; Javorka, P ; Marso, M ; Kordos, P Breakdown and degradation processes in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs during electrostatic dischargePräsentation Presentation2003
14Dubec, Victor ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Blaho, M. ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Gornik, Erich ; Willemen, Joost ; Qu, N ; Wilkening, W ; Zullino, L. ; Andreini, A. A dual-beam Michelson interferometer for investigation of trigger dynamics in ESD protection devices under very fast TLP stressPräsentation Presentation2003
15Pogany, Dionyz ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Dubec, Victor ; Blaho, M. ; Litzenberger, Martin ; Kuzmik, Jan ; Pflügl, Christian ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Gornik, Erich Transient interferometric mapping of temperature and free carriers in semiconductor devicesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2003
16Pogany, Dionyz ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Pflügl, Christian ; Dubec, Victor ; Kuzmik, Jan ; Blaho, M. ; Litzenberger, Martin ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Gornik, Erich Thermal mapping of semiconductor devices with nanosecond resolutionPräsentation Presentation2003
17Blaho, M. ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Gornik, Erich ; Zullino, L. ; Andreini, A. Expermental ans simulation analysis of a BCD ESD protection element under the DC and TLP stress conditionsPräsentation Presentation2002