Dao Tran, M. (2008). Default reasoning on top of ontologies with dl-programs [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://resolver.obvsg.at/urn:nbn:at:at-ubtuw:1-23056
Answer Set Programming; Default Logic; Default Reasoning; Description Logics; Hybrid Knowledge Base; Nonmonotonic Reasoning; Ontology; Rule Languages
We study the usefulness of dl-programs in implementing Reiter's default logic on top of a Description Logic knowledge base (DL-KB). To this end, we investigate transformations from default theories to description logic programs (dl-programs) based on different established algorithms for computing default theory extensions, namely select-defaults-and-check and select-justifications-and-check algorithm.<br />In each transformation, additional constraints are exploited to prune the search space based on conclusion-conclusion or conclusion-justification relations. The implementation was deployed as a new component for the dl-plugin for dlvhex, and evaluated with various experimental test ontologies, which showed promising results.