Search and matching; heterogeneous agents; UI transfers; unemployment risk and fiscal multiplier
I study the effects of fiscal policy responses to aggregate shocks in an economy where
households face idiosyncratic unemployment risk in a search and matching (SaM) labor
market. By assuming zero liquidity, the households’ distribution is degenerate and the
model is easily tractable. In the wake of the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compen sation program, I show that the effects of transitory increases in Unemployment Insurance
(UI) benefits are largely dependent on the state of the economy and the type of adverse
shock. The most welfare-improving fiscal stimuli appear to be rather small and over
a long period. Front-loaded increases in public spending may have important adverse
effects on inflation, welfare, and the labor market.
Project title:
Should central banks modify their inflation targeting framework when agents are boundedly rational?: 18611 (Österreichische Nationalbank, Jubiläumsfonds)
Research Areas:
Mathematical Methods in Economics: 70% Modeling and Simulation: 30%