Dvoršak, S. (2009). Reduction potentials of GHG in solid waste management in the Republic of Serbia [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://resolver.obvsg.at/urn:nbn:at:at-ubtuw:1-48903
This master thesis desribes the current status of waste management in the Republic of Serbia and an effect on emissions of GHG that are emitted by landfilling of municipal solid waste. Methane is emitted during anaerobic fermentation of degradable organic substances in solid waste disposal sites in processes which may last for several decades. Different phases in the process of degradation of the waste in the landfills and different conditions affecting the process and the quantities of methane are also described. In master thesis three different future projections are presented for the waste quantities generated, collected and landfilled. The base year for all scenarios is the year 2002 for which the quantities and the structure of the waste was quite known. In all scenarios an increase in waste quantities for 3% per year is foreseen it is also projected that in the year 2020 there will be generated 493 kg of municipal solid waste per person. The emissions of methane from the landfills are also calculated for each projection for waste quantities. Methane emissions from waste disposal are thus of anthropogenic origin and, consenquently, a constituent part of national GHG inventories in accordance with IPCC methodology. For the calculation of GHG mass balance method was used in accordance with The Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and the Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Further more European and Serbian legislation framework are also described and rules of procedure for CDM projects and foreseen CDM projects in the Republic of Serbia.