Riegler, M. V. (2020). Learning methods for non-experts to understand the fundamentals of blockchain in an energy trading context [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2020.63122
E193 - Institut für Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Date (published):
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Evaluation; E-Learning; Design-Guidelines
With blockchain becoming an emergent technology and being used in more applications for households such as in peer-to-peer energy trading, non-experts can actively participate in blockchain applications. Hence informing non-experts on blockchain characteristics so that they are aware of its benefits but also its potential disadvantages and especially the handling of data becomes a field of interest. This work evaluated three digital prototypes that explain the basics of blockchain technology in an accessible way and language for non-experts. The contents were established from literature, a workshop with non-experts and expert interviews revealing that especially the handling of data, the main characteristics and applications should be addressed. Based on these findings,the three prototypes which are an animated video with voice-over, a mobile learning game for smartphones and a website were designed and implemented. A user study with 30 participants using pre- and post-tests and a semi-structured interview at the end and there by using both quantitative and qualitative methods was conducted to address the three research questions of which method has the highest learning effect (RQ1), whether the increased knowledge has an effect on the subjective level of comfort (RQ2) and what level of abstraction is appropriate for non-experts (RQ3). The results of the user study showed that the prototypes didn't significantly differ in their learning effect on the participants however do have different fields of application as they showed different learning properties. The subjective level of comfort was increased and general impression of blockchain was better after learning about them through the prototypes. Finally, the level of abstraction was found to be most effective when not including many details or otherwise fully explaining what is mentioned. Visualizations that focussed on only one aspect and abstracted the rest were remembered and understood better by participants of the study. These findings can be used for future applications where the intention is to inform non-experts on blockchain technology, however they may also extend to other technological areas.