64. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
Event date:
24-Sep-2014 - 27-Sep-2014
Event place:
Pöllau, Austria
gravity; holography; higher-spin; quantum gravity
Higher-Spin Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions is a very active research topic that gained a lot of
attention in the last few years. The basic idea is to employ the holographic principle on
spacetimes which are endowed with more symmetries than just diffeomorphisms. These
higher-spin symmetries yield very interesting and highly non-trivial results on the field
theory side of the holographic correspondence. In this talk I will give an introduction on the
basic Ideas of higherCspin gravity and the holographic principle in 2+1 dimensions and will
provide the first explicitly worked out example of higher-spin holography in 2+1 dimensions
of a spacetime which is not Anti-deSitter i.e. a spacetime with constant negative curvature.
Since recently there has also been a lot research and progress been made on flat space
higher-spin holography in 2+1 dimensions I will also briefly explain the basic ideas and
some novel No-Go results on the relation higher-spin+flat space+unitarity we have