Trost, P., Kartnig, G., & Eder, M. (2022). Simulationstudy of Autostore-systems. In N. Zrnic, G. Kartnig, & S. Bošnjak (Eds.), Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference MHCL’22 (pp. 81–86).
Robot-based compact storage and retrieval systems (RCS/RS) such as the
Autostore-system are fully automatically operated by robots from above.
The goods are stored in plastic bins that are stacked on top of each other,
applying the 'Last-In-First-Out' storage strategy within each stack. This
ensures very high degrees of space utilization compared to other storage
systems. RCS/R-systems can typically be found in e-commerce or
pharmaceutical industry, but also in the food or the spare parts trade. If
containers located further down are required, the robots relocate them.
Besides the system parameters, there are many other factors, such as the
number of used robots or picking stations, that influence the system
behavior. With a discrete event simulation (DES) in the Simio simulation
program, insights into design variants and operating modes were gained.
Research Areas:
Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations: 10% Modeling and Simulation: 80% Computational System Design: 10%