Minoguchi, Y. S., Arrazola Maiztegui, I., & Rabl, P. (2022, March 1). Decoherence dynamics of dressed qubits [Poster Presentation]. QUENOCOBA Workshop, Garching, Germany.
E141-08 - Forschungsbereich Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Date (published):
Event name:
Event date:
28-Feb-2022 - 2-Mar-2022
Event place:
Garching, Germany
quantum control; dynamical decoupling
The dressing of two-level systems (qubits) by a resonant radiation field is one of the most common methods to actively protect quantum states from dephasing. Here, we study the dynamics of a continuously driven qubit in the presence of qubit-frequency fluctuations represented by an Orstein-Ulhenbeck process. Following a stochastic path integral approach, we analytically characterise the decay of coherence on function of the relevant parameters of the system, and identify the main differences between the different regimes.On top of that, we consider the effect of fluctuations in the amplitude of the driving field, which may become the main source of decoherence for strong drivings. Furthermore, we propose to combine the qubit dressing with refocusing techniques using fast phase flips in the driving field. We also derive analytical expressions that allow us to characterise the enhancement of coherence times by these phase flips, and identify the regimes with optimal performance. Finally, we benchmark our analytical results with exact numerical simulations.
Project title:
Quantum Local Area Networks with Superconducting Qubits: 899354 (European Commission)