Phase transitions represent a compelling tool for classical and quantum sensing applications. It has been demonstrated that quantum sensors can in principle saturate the Heisenberg scaling, the ultimate precision bound allowed by quantum mechanics, in the limit of large probe number and long measurement time. Due to the critical slowing down, the protocol duration time is of utmost relevance in critical quantum metrology. However, how the long-time limit is reached remains in general an open question. So far, only two dichotomic approaches have been considered, based on either static or dynamical properties of critical quantum systems. Here, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the scaling of the quantum Fisher information for different families of protocols that create a continuous connection between static and dynamical approaches. In particular, we consider fully-connected models, a broad class of quantum critical systems of high experimental relevance. Our analysis unveils the existence of universal precision-scaling regimes. These regimes remain valid even for finite-time protocols and finite-size systems. We also frame these results in a general theoretical perspective, by deriving a precision bound for arbitrary time-dependent quadratic Hamiltonians.
Project title:
Phonon Quantum Networks in Diamonds: P32299-N27 (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF))
Project (external):
European Union's Horizon 2020 FET UK EPSRC Newcastle University
Project ID:
SuperQuLAN (899354) EP/S02994X/1 Newcastle University Academic Track fellowship
Research Areas:
Quantum Many-body Systems Physics: 20% Photonics: 40% Quantum Metrology and Precision Measurements: 40%