Fischer, H. E., Käding, C., Pitschmann, M., Sedmik, R., & Abele, H. (2022, November 25). Search for Dark Energy — beyond ΛCDM [Poster Presentation]. VCES2022, TU the SKY, TU Wien, Austria.
E141-04 - Forschungsbereich Neutron- and Quantum Physics
Date (published):
Event name:
Event date:
24-Nov-2022 - 25-Nov-2022
Event place:
TU the SKY, TU Wien, Austria
dark energy
The origin of dark energy is one of the greatest puzzles in modern physics. Cosmological observations indicate that our Universe is currently expanding at an accelerated rate. An unknown substance, called dark energy, that fills the Universe is the most prominent explanation for this acceleration. Naturally, the existence of new
hypothetical scalar fields has been postulated, which couple to gravity and can account for dark energy. Those new scalars generically lead to new interactions, so-called fifth forces. However, measurements with high precision at solar as well as terrestrial scales were so far unable to detect any fifth forces
Project title:
Die Suche nach Dunkler Energie mit Tabletop Experimenten: P 3424 (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF))