Andriot, D., Horer, L., & Marconnet, P. (2022). Charting the landscape of (anti-) de Sitter and Minkowski solutions of 10d supergravities. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022, Article 131.
Flux Compactifications; String and Brane Phenomenology; Supergravity Models; Superstring Vacua
We classify solutions of 10d type IIA/B supergravities with orientifolds, on a 4d maximally symmetric spacetime times a 6d group manifold. We then look for new solutions in previously unexplored solution classes, and find some: (anti-) de Sitter solutions with intersecting O4, O6 and D6, or Minkowski solutions with 3 intersecting O5, among others. We provide the numerical code that we developed for this purpose. We also prove new no-go theorems against (anti-) de Sitter solutions. We finally conjecture the absence of de Sitter solution for 2 or less intersecting source sets, implying that a 4d effective theory with de Sitter is at most N = 1 supersymmetric.
Project title:
Klassische Stringhintergründe mit kosmologischer Konstante: P 34562-N (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF))
Project (external):
Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)