Grumiller, D., Sheikh-Jabbari, M. M., Troessaert, C., & Wutte, R. (2020). Interpolating between asymptotic and near horizon symmetries. Journal of High Energy Physics, Article 35.
We develop basic tools and matching conditions to interpolate between asymptotic and near horizon symmetries. We focus on black holes in three dimensions. In particular, we match Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions at infinity, which yields two Virasoro algebras, to Heisenberg boundary conditions at the horizon yielding two û(1) current algebras. Our construction allows to equip BTZ black holes with soft hair excitations at the horizon invisible to the asymptotic observer.
Research Areas:
Fundamental Mathematics Research: 50% außerhalb der gesamtuniversitären Forschungsschwerpunkte: 50%