Detournay, S., Merbis, W., Ng, G. S., & Wutte, R. S. (2020). Warped flatland. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020, Article 61.
We study warped flat geometries in three-dimensional topologically massive gravity. They are quotients of global warped flat spacetime, whose isometries are given by the 2-dimensional centrally extended Poincaré algebra. The latter can be obtained as a certain scaling limit of Warped AdS3_{3}3 space with a positive cosmological constant. We discuss the causal structure of the resulting spacetimes using projection diagrams. We study their charges and thermodynamics, together with asymptotic Killing vectors preserving a consistent set of boundary conditions including them. The asymptotic symmetry group is given by a Warped CFT algebra, with a vanishing current level. A generalization of the derivation of the Warped CFT Cardy formula applies in this case, reproducing the entropy of the warped flat cosmological spacetimes.
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