Preininger, J., Winter, F., & Musliu, N. (2022). Modeling and Solving the K-track Assignment Problem. In 14th Metaheuristics International Conference. MIC 2022 - 14th Metaheuristics International Conference, Ortigia-Syracuse, Italy. Springer.
In the industrial production of cleaning supplies, larger production
quantities are stored in storage boilers and from there they are
filled into household-sized bottles. An interesting problem arises in the
planning of this process in which production orders have to be assigned
to these storage boilers at predetermined times. It turns out that this
problem corresponds to a variant of the problem known in the literature
as the k-track assignment problem or operational fixed job scheduling
problem (OFJSP), which is a classical NP-hard optimization problem.
In this paper we investigate and compare different modeling approaches
including a CP model, a direct ILP model, a network flow based reformulation
as well as a simulated annealing approach. We evaluate these
methods on a large set of instances for this problem and on benchmark
instances for a related problem. We show that the simulated annealing
approach provides very good solutions and outperforms other known solution
approaches for larger instances. Our methods have been applied in
real-life scenarios, where they have been able to obtain optimal solutions
in a short time.
Project title:
CD Labor für Künstliche Intelligenz und Optimierung in Planung und Scheduling: keine Angabe (CDG Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft)