András, K. (2007). E-governance and social aid [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
E187 - Institut für Gestaltungs- und Wirkungsforschung
Date (published):
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E-Regierung; Sozialbeihilfe; Chancengleichheit; Open Source Software
E-government; social aid; equal opportunities; open source software
The author has been responsible for distributing social aid at the Technical University of Budapest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. During this time it became obvious that processing meters of paper documents every year without real support from an automated software system was really fatiguing: on one side hearing a family tragedy is always very exhausting, hearing hundreds of them is more than that. On the other hand considerable amount of staff was required every year to handle the demands, to examine them and to attribute a fair social score.<br />The goal of this work was to find an ideal solution to this problem, by defining the best possible software solution, based on other examples.<br />It was not the goal to wipe out humanity, but to evaluate the demands as fair as possible.<br />The work has three major parts: first e-governance is presented to have a good overview. This includes definition, prerequisites, typical use and a few important questions to answer with possible answers and as a future example, on-line voting is presented.<br />Next the principles of social aid are presented: how it works generally in Hungary, at the TU Budapest and the current method to score the demands at the faculty. After this a few design issues are addressed and decisions are given a ground, and the functional specification is also included. As the last chapter of this part the technologies used are presented.