Pont, U., Latzer, D., Giffinger, R., & Mahdavi, A. (2019). Assessing Energy Profiles of Urban Neighborhoods: A Streamlined GIS-Based Approach. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 887, 264–272. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.887.264
E280-02 - Forschungsbereich Stadt- und Regionalforschung E259-03 - Forschungsbereich Bauphysik und Bauökologie
Applied Mechanics and Materials
Date (published):
Number of Pages:
Trans Tech Publications
Peer reviewed:
General Engineering; GIS; decision support systems; heating demand; building-related energy demand; neighborhoods
(no german abstract)
The present contribution illustrates recent developments within the research project E_Profil. This project targets the development of a toolbox for the exploration of neighborhood
profiles in terms of socio-cultural, urban development, and energy-related aspects. Thereby, the major goal is to facilitate an energy and resource efficient and environmentally responsible midand long-term development of Austrian cities. The specific contribution described in this paper illustrates a simple methodology for the efficient use of GIS-data toward the derivation of urban development strategies in view of energy usage. In a first step, the geometry data of one (or
multiple) specific urban neighborhoods is semantically enriched by additional information (building period, energy status of the buildings, etc.). Such data can be usually found in different archives of the corresponding city or can (at least partly) be collected in-situ. Subsequently, this enriched database must be further processed to form input data bundles, which can be used to derive key performance indicators of individual buildings, selected subsets of the total building stock of the
neighborhood or the overall building stock. Based on these procedures, impact analysis of different
mid- and long-term transformation policies regarding the energy performance of the neighborhood(s) can be performed in a convenient fashion. This contribution illustrates the
approach and delivers a proof of concept based on two urban districts of the city of Linz, Austria.
The present contribution illustrates recent developments within the research project E_Profil. This project targets the development of a toolbox for the exploration of neighborhood
profiles in terms of socio-cultural, urban development, and energy-related aspects. Thereby, the major goal is to facilitate an energy and resource efficient and environmentally responsible midand long-term development of Austrian cities. The specific contribution described in this paper illustrates a simple methodology for the efficient use of GIS-data toward the derivation of urban development strategies in view of energy usage. In a first step, the geometry data of one (or
multiple) specific urban neighborhoods is semantically enriched by additional information (building period, energy status of the buildings, etc.). Such data can be usually found in different archives of the corresponding city or can (at least partly) be collected in-situ. Subsequently, this enriched database must be further processed to form input data bundles, which can be used to derive key performance indicators of individual buildings, selected subsets of the total building stock of the
neighborhood or the overall building stock. Based on these procedures, impact analysis of different
mid- and long-term transformation policies regarding the energy performance of the neighborhood(s) can be performed in a convenient fashion. This contribution illustrates the
approach and delivers a proof of concept based on two urban districts of the city of Linz, Austria.
Project title:
Neighborhood profiles for the optimization of energy transformation processes (FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH)
Research Areas:
Sustainable Production and Technologies: 60% Energy Active Buildings, Settlements and Spatial Infrastructures: 40%