Andriot, D., & Roupec, C. O. (2019). Further refining the de Sitter swampland conjecture. FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK-PROGRESS OF PHYSICS, 67(1–2), Article 1800105.
General Physics and Astronomy; supergravity; string theory; dS vacua; swampland
We propose an alternative refined de Sitter conjecture. It is given by a natural condition on a combination of the first and second derivatives of the scalar potential. We derive our conjecture in the same weak coupling, semi-classical regime where the previous refined de Sitter conjecture was derived, using the same tools together with a few more assumptions that we discuss. We further test and constrain free parameters in our conjecture using data points of a classical type IIA supergravity setup. Interestingly, our conjecture easily accommodates slow-roll single field inflation with a concave potential, favored by observations. The standard quintessence potential is in tension with our new conjecture, and we thus propose a different type of quintessence model.
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außerhalb der gesamtuniversitären Forschungsschwerpunkte: 100%