Kaltenbacher, M., & Floss, S. (2018). Nonconforming Finite Elements Based on Nitsche-Type Mortaring for Inhomogeneous Wave Equation. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 26(03), 1850028. https://doi.org/10.1142/s2591728518500287
We propose the nonconforming Finite Element (FE) method based on Nitsche-type mortaring for
efficiently solving the inhomogeneous wave equation, where due to the change of material properties
the wavelength in the subdomains strongly differs. Therewith, we gain the flexibility to choose for
each subdomain an optimal grid. The proposed method fulfills the physical conditions along the
nonconforming interfaces, namely the continuity of the acoustic pressure and the normal component
of the acoustic particle velocity. We apply the nonconforming grid method to the computation of
transmission loss (TL) of an expansion chamber utilizing micro-perforated panels (MPPs), which
are modeled by a homogenization approach via a complex fluid. The results clearly demonstrate
the superiority of the nonconforming FE method over the standard FE method concerning preprocessing,
mesh generation flexibility and computational time.
Research Areas:
Modelling and Simulation: 50% Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations: 50%