Januzi, A. (2008). Comparative study on economical feasibility of 4 storey wood-based residential building construction to conventional construction in Kosovo [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://resolver.obvsg.at/urn:nbn:at:at-ubtuw:1-29765
The topic to be explicated came up due the latest study on the wood constrution ability on multistory buildings and it´s great role on sustainable urban development, as well as personal interest on the possibility of this application in Kosovo. Being part of the generations facing directly global environmental changes, which in a way is quite related to the manner of architectural solution as well, the wood-based further study offered an option on promissory impact on this serious issue. This dissertation analyses the possibility of wood-based multistory construction application, still not practiced in Kosovo, comparng to conventional construction in residential sector. The comparison is focused on fnancial point of view. By designing a common four story residential for chosen typologies (concrete structure, massive cross lam panel system, timber skeleton and timber modular structure), the comparison is conidered to be reliable as dealing with direct figure required for a clear financial overview. Main aim of this study is cost flexibility of timber residential building construction as an alternative construction. Another issue which this dissertation could influence, is informing on the importance of wood-based application that beside haveing other options on regards of construction, could led to a more intelligent managing of the forestry of Kosovo as very important issue for the future. This study is considered to be on of the first steps on this envirnmentally use of construction resources as well as on the consciousness on the importance of clever economical, environmental and social balance of the country.<br />