Gebreegziabher, Z. B. (2020). E-readiness assessment for incorporating information technology [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Circular Economy; End of life management; United Arab Emirates; Gulf cooperation council; Neo-Institutionalism
When Understanding the incorporation and the use of Information technology as well as its impact in different sectors across the world one can’t help but appreciate and its impact especially at this day and age. Faster processes, accurate information, data encoding, communications and the like are easier and used in a more effective way because of the availability and advancements of technology. In order to understand what kind of technological solution one sector needs it is important to know and understand the sector, following that an e-readiness analysis is required to understand the status of that sector or institution. If one considers a sector that would benefit the most from technology advancements and would require an analysis, the healthcare sector comes to mind, since the field requires great precision and deals with lives it would be an ideal situation to have the most out of technologies and platforms that the world has today. With similar intention, this research is set out to explore and understand the E-readiness of the National Blood Bank Service of Ethiopia. Upon assessment of the company situation a pre-analysis suggestion was made on what kind of technologies and platforms can help the company move forward its services and work processes it carries out daily. Based on the suggested platforms the research has conducted to understand where the National Blood Bank service of Ethiopia stands using E-readiness analysis models and parameters. These parameters have pointed out where the institution is standing on the technological advancement scale and if it can take in advancements and platforms that can help the company move forward in delivering excellent service. A questioner was designed to discover factors that can affect the e-readiness analysis grouped into four important parameters, each parameter showed a set of important enablers and barriers each parameter carries.