Chae, K. S. (2020). A Study on the SCM Strategies of Mobile Phone Market in Europe [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
The ultimate purpose of this study is to present the factors that mobile manufacturing companies should consider to build SCM strategies suitable for the European market through theoretical and empirical research. Companies face a situation where they must continuously improve their innovation-related capabilities to maintain a competitive edge within a dynamic market. Effective SCM operations, along with advanced technology development strategies, differentiated marketing strategies are one of the main functions enabling innovation in companies. Nevertheless, many companies still find it difficult to shape their SCM strategies in a rapidly changing market. In particular, industries that do not have a long history of the market, such as mobile products, and the importance of the online market is rapidly increasing, have a high level of difficulty. Companies have difficulty devising SCM strategies because the environmental factors of the various components that make up the SCM continue to change. This study deals with the SCM overall flow from an integrated perspective to partially review the components of the SCM. It also deals with the characteristics and impact of European markets and mobile products on SCM operations. Besides, the generalized concept of innovation, Postponement Strategy, addresses the prerequisites and factors that need to be improved when companies are willing to apply it.
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