Zocco, D. A. (2022, April 13). Controlling electronic topology in a strongly correlated electron system [Conference Presentation]. TopCor22: Topological Materials: From Weak to Strong Correlations, Dresden, Germany.
TopCor22: Topological Materials: From Weak to Strong Correlations
Event date:
11-Apr-2022 - 13-Apr-2022
Event place:
Dresden, Germany
strongly correlated electron systems
A key ingredient to obtaining topological quantum devices is the ability to control
topological states without modifying the underlying properties of the material that
hosts them. It is well known that in heavy fermion metals physical properties can
be much more readily tuned than in simple metals. Such correlated materials may
also exhibit extreme signatures of nontrivial topology, as recently demonstrated for
the Weyl-Kondo semimetal Ce3Bi4Pd3 [1, 2, 3]. What has remained open, however,
is whether these topological states are essentially inert, or can also be influenced by
external control parameters. Here we show the latter to be the case: the material’s
Weyl signatures can be fully suppressed by a relatively modest magnetic field [4]. We
understand this behavior as a Zeeman-driven motion of Weyl nodes in momentum
space, up to the point where the nodes meet and annihilate in a topological quantum
phase transition. The topologically trivial but correlated background remains
largely unaffected across this transition. Only at larger fields a transition from a
correlated narrow-gap phase to a metallic heavy Fermi liquid phase is observed. Our
work lies at the scarcely explored intersection between gapless topology and strong
correlations, and accentuates the importance of materials innovation to obtain much
needed breakthroughs in topological quantum applications.
[1] S. Dzsaber et al., Phys.Rev. Lett. 118, 246601 (2017).
[2] H. -H. Lai et al., Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115, 93 (2018).
[3] S. Dzsaber et al., Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118, e2013386118 (2021).
[4] S. Dzsaber et al., arXiv:1906.01182 (2019).
Project (external):
FWF FWF FWF European Microkelvin Platform
Project ID:
I4047-N27 P29279 I5868-FOR 5249 - QUAST 824109
Research Areas:
Metallic Materials: 50% Quantum Many-body Systems Physics: 50%