Kriechbaum, R., Kopp, J., & Spadiut, O. (2022, December 13). Novel tools and strategies for the production of bioplastics in cyanos [Poster Presentation]. Algaeurope 2022, Rom, Italy.
Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is a very promising alternative to most petroleum-based plastics with the huge advantage of biodegradability. Biotechnological production processes utilizing cyanobacteria as sustainable source of PHB require fast in situ process analytical technology (PAT) tools for sophisticated process monitoring as well as sustainable methods for PHB production and processing. In my talk, I will present a novel PAT tool for online monitoring, as well as innovative strategies for up- and downstream processing of this relevant biomaterial.
Project title:
PlastoCyan: ATCZ260 PlastoCyan (EU INTERREG)
Research Areas:
Biological and Bioactive Materials: 80% Efficient Utilisation of Material Resources: 20%