Koncar-Gamulin, L. (2022). Citizen Mapping as a City-Making Practice. In 11th ACAU 2022: Proceedings of 11th International PhD Students Conference (pp. 92–97). Fakulta architektury VUT v Brně. https://doi.org/10.13164/phd.fa2022.11
11th ACAU 2022: Proceedings of 11th International PhD Students Conference
Date (published):
Event name:
11th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism 2022: New Research Directions in th Volatile World
Event date:
Event place:
Brno, Czechia
Number of Pages:
Fakulta architektury VUT v Brně, Brno
Peer reviewed:
Citizen mapping; augmented space; open data; participation
This paper hypothesises that gaps in knowledge and understanding of our urban spatial processes have been facilitated by a stark emphasis on measurable and simulated data, as well as by the absence of non-measurable subjective experi- ences in contemporary data collection methods. Therefore, the paper discusses an inclusive way of contributing to city-making in which citizens create as well as add value to, and extract value through their collective efforts.
The research aims to deepen engagement between citizens and urban design by dis- cussing an app-based participatory tool through which citizens can identify, record and reflect upon different space-making parameters in their immediate surround- ings. This tool provides a novel vocabulary to challenge the exclusionary practices of contemporary data collection, and brings out the strengths of citizen participation within urban design.
Project title:
City Layers: City mapping as a practice of city-making: TCS 135-G (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds)
Research Areas:
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology: 100%