Erne, S. (2022, June 28). Analogue simulators for fundamental physics: From quantum to classical (and back) [Keynote Presentation]. Effective field theory: High energy physics meets low energy phenomena, Pollica, Italy.
E141-02 - Forschungsbereich Atom Physics and Quantum Optics
Date (published):
Event name:
Effective field theory: High energy physics meets low energy phenomena
Event date:
20-Jun-2022 - 1-Jul-2022
Event place:
Pollica, Italy
cold atoms; Fluid dynamics; light-matter interactions; Quantum Field Theory
Quantum and classical fluids, and their non-equilibrium evolution, present an ideal platform to study fundamental processes of (quantum) field theory in controlled laboratory systems. Here, I present recent results and future prospects for analogue quantum simulators based on effective field theory descriptions in linear and non-linear regimes. I will discuss analogue quantum simulators utilising cold atom quantum many body systems in the context of analogue gravity, cosmology, and detector physics as well as an analogue for preheating dynamics after cosmic inflation in classical parametrically driven two fluid systems.
Project title:
Analog Quantum Simulators: ESQ Discovery Schmiedmayer Huber (Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften) Marie Sklodowska-Curie Cofunding of the fellow ship programme of the ESQ (Erwin Schrödinger Quantum Science Programme at the ÖAW: 801110 — ESQ (Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Research Areas:
Quantum Many-body Systems Physics: 70% Design and Engineering of Quantum Systems: 30%