Reichel, M. (2022, September 29). Ten Toes Spooning In A Trailer [Exhibition contribution]. Elementarereignisse, BOKU, Wilhelm-Exner-Haus, Peter-Jordan-Straße 66, 1190 Wien, Austria.
E264-02 - Forschungsbereich Dreidimensionales Gestalten und Modellbau
Date (published):
Event name:
Event date:
23-May-2022 - 26-Oct-2022
Event place:
BOKU, Wilhelm-Exner-Haus, Peter-Jordan-Straße 66, 1190 Wien, Austria
Mobiles Präsentationsdisplay
Peter Fritzenwallner (guest artists: Wolfgang Obermair, Marie Reichel)
The Carbon Age Gallery by artist Peter Fritzenwallner is a mobile presentation display for contemporary sculpture, installation and performance. It is a further development of his Daihatsu Rooftop Gallery. The small Japanese car from his original work was converted into a bicycle rickshaw and can now be operated in a climate-neutral way. Transferring artworks both onto the roof of the rickshaw and directly onto the street enables their interaction with urban reality. This mobile display engenders a new, mobile temporality that allows the city and campus to act as a changing context, passing behind the works on display. The artistic works presented on the vehicle are connected to the overall concept and appear at irregular intervals at various BOKU locations. (guest artists: Wolfgang Obermair, Marie Reichel)
Additional information:
To commemorate their jubilee anniversary in 2022, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) focused on the coming 150 years, i.e. they look edahead to the long term. BOKU’s research into sustainability, resource management and the preservation and protection of the environment and our quality of life forms the starting point for the program series Elementarereignisse.
This artistic concept of the bb15 curatorial team, which was realised on BOKU’s anniversary year on behalf of BIG ART, revolves around the concepts of disruption, blockage and disaster. Three temporary artistic interventions will be implemented on the university campus. These elementary events are intended to create irritations within everyday structures, thereby generating attention around BOKU’s socially relevant research interests.
Research Areas:
Development and Advancement of the Architectural Arts: 60% Energy Active Buildings, Settlements and Spatial Infrastructures: 20% Sustainable and Low Emission Mobility: 20%