Reinfurt, A., Ellena, V., & Steiger, M. (2022, March 15). cexA and its regulatory processes - the manganese mistery of A. niger [Poster Presentation]. Österreichische Chemietage 2022, Wien, Austria.
E166-05-2 - Forschungsgruppe Biochemie E166 - Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Umwelttechnik und technische Biowissenschaften
Date (published):
Event name:
Österreichische Chemietage 2022
Event date:
20-Sep-2022 - 22-Sep-2022
Event place:
Wien, Austria
cexA; Manganese regulation; Citric acid
cexA and its regulatory processes – a closer look into the citric acid production
mechanisms of Aspergillus niger
Authors: Aline Reinfurt, Valeria Ellena, Matthias G. Steiger
Aspergillus niger is an important filamentous fungus used for the industrial production
of citric acid. One of the main contributors to high citric acid accumulation by the
fungus is the citrate transporter CexA. It belongs to the major faciliatory superfamily
subclass DHA1 which act as drug-H+ antiporters1. Since cexA and its regulators are
essential within the citric acid production process, it is important to study their
regulatory mechanism, which is the focus of this work. LaeA for one is known to be a
major regulator of the cexA gene. It regulates the expression via methylation levels of
the histones H3K4 and H3K92. There are indications that other transcriptional
regulators such as AmyR and XlnR are also involved in the regulation of cexA on a
transcriptional level. Another factor that affects citric acid production is the amount of
manganese that is present during the production process. Observations showed that
the fungus develops a certain pellet-like morphology under manganese limitation
conditions and that this limitation is decisive for high citric acid accumulation by A.
niger3,4. However, the exact mode of action of manganese in the cell is not clear. The
transcriptional influence of manganese on cexA and laeA is investigated in order to
find out more about the connection between manganese limitation and citric acid
Project title:
Genetik und Engineering von Aspergillus niger: 93031 (FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH)