E253-05 - Forschungsbereich Hochbau, Konstruktion und Entwerfen
Date (published):
Event name:
Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Prize 2019
Event date:
3-May-2019 - 26-Oct-2019
Event place:
Padua, Italy
public spaces, teaching spaces, pedagogical methods
The work “Federal School Aspern” by the Viennese Fasch & Fuchs Architekten firm wins the 9th edition of the Prize. The project transposes in a coherent and functional way the needs dictated by the program which included the creation of an organized school on new educational concepts and open learning methods based on the relationships between several classes. The arrangement and overlap of the levels, the permeability of the interior spaces, the continuity between public spaces, teaching spaces and the garden give the building an inclusive and welcoming character. Transparency and lightness are the guiding principle inside and outside the school which, when illuminated from
the inside, reveals the steel supporting.
Additional information:
The project transposes in a coherent and functional way the needs dictated by the program which included the creation of an organized school on new educational concepts and open learning methods based on the relationships between several classes.
Research Areas:
Energy Active Buildings, Settlements and Spatial Infrastructures: 33% Special and Engineering Materials: 33% Efficient Utilisation of Material Resources: 34%
Science Branch:
5090 - Andere Sozialwissenschaften: 15% 2012 - Architektur: 85%