Tiran, J., Brezina, T., Ogrin, M., & Laa, B. (2022). VPLIV EPIDEMIJE COVIDA-19 NA DNEVNO MOBILNOST V SLOVENIJI: VPOGLED V PRVI VAL. Revija Ujma, 36, 195–202. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/158184
E230-01 - Forschungsbereich Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrstechnik
Published in:
Revija Ujma
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Mobilität; Slowenien; COVID-19 Pandemie
The Slovenian subsample (n=415) of an international online survey about changes in daily mobility during the Co- vid-19 outbreak in the spring of 2020 was analyzed from a geographical perspective. The dataset was split into three spatial classes (urban, transitional and rural) according to the respondents’ place of residence. People’s beha- viour before and during the Covid-19 lockdown was compared and analyzed for commuting and grocery shopping, which are amongst the most frequent trip purposes. The results showed that commuting was reduced drastically during the lockdown, while the car remained the main transport mode for both commuting and grocery shopping, especially in rural areas, also because of the shut-down of public transport. The study provides an unprecedented insight into travel behaviour changes due to the pandemic, and congruously argues for improved transport policies to meet climate change, resillience to natural and other disasters, and public health challenges.