Bjørner, N., Nieuwenhuis, R., Veith, H., & Voronkov, A. (2011). Decision Procedures in Soft, Hard and Bio-ware - Follow Up (Dagstuhl Seminar 11272). Dagstuhl Reports, 1(7), 23–35.
This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 11272 "Decision Procedures in Soft, Hard and Bio-ware (Follow Up)". It was held as a follow-on for a seminar 10161, of the same title, that took place in late April 2010 during the initial eruption of Eyjafjallajökull. In spite of the travel disruptions caused by the eruption of the volcano, the original seminar received a respectable turnout by European, mainly German and Italian participants. Unfortunately, the eruption hindered participation from overseas or even more distant parts of Europe. This caused the seminar to cover only part of the original objective. The follow-on seminar focused on the remaining objectives, in particular to bio-ware and constraint solving methods.