Stolar, A. (2020). Risky language – or a common language for risk communication and process safety? In C. Jordan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik and 7th Partikelforum (TU Wien, Sept. 21/22, 2020) (pp. DiP3-(01) page 1-DiP3-(01) page 4).
Process Safety; Controlled Language; Loss Prevention; risk mitigation; risk communication
Instructions, manuals and maintenance manuals often were the source of misinterpretations and mistakes in different branches of our daily and the industrial life, partly with fatal consequences. Risk communication and the correct transfer of the message as well as its understanding is an indispensable component of risk assessment and risk management and is therefore crucial for resulting process safety. A clear terminology and a controlled language help making the design of systems, applications and maintenance as well as the communication between stakeholder safer.