Repczuk, P. (2021). Influencing neuron recruitment by means of sub-threshold ramp prepulses [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien; Medizinische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Selective recruitment of nerve fibers in functional electrical stimulation has been the focus of attention for a vast amount of research projects over the last decade. The feasibility of applying sub-threshold pre-pulses immediately prior to a stimulating pulse is supported by multiple evidence in the literature. There is, however, a range of inconsistent findings concerning shape, configuration, polarity and subsequent effect of pre-pulses. The thesis will investigate the influence of ramp shaped depolarizing and hyperpolarizing pre-pulses on the recruitment order of motor neurons and different fiber types, and of afferent sensory fibers via associated reflex responses, in spectific noninvasive electrode setup. The protocols will be adjusted to systematic comparison of key publications with contradictory results. The work aims in decoding and understanding underlying mechanisms and developing application strategies for improved selectivity of recruitment of afferent and efferent neurons via noninvasive stimulation techniques.