Schützenhofer, S. (2019). Recyclingpotentiale in der Bauindustrie [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
E234 - Institut für Interdisziplinäres Bauprozessmanagement
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Recycling; Abfall; Ressourcheneffizienz
Recycling; Waste; Ressources Efficiency
Im Laufe der Zeit stieg der globale Ressourcenbedarf der Menschheit stark an. Dies waren zunächst Folgen der Bildung von Siedlungen, und im Weiteren der Industriellen Revolution. Die Entwicklung von Computer und anderen elektronischen Gerätschaften führen nun dazu, dass das Spektrum der benötigten Stoffe und Materialien immer vielfältiger wird, und die Zusammensetzung in genutzten Objekten immer komplexer. Dies trifft auch auf die Bauindustrie zu, in der die am Markt verfügbare Palette an Baumaterialien stetig zunimmt wie Materialanalysen von Gebäuden unterschiedlicher alters zeigen. In Bezug auf Ressourcenmanagement tritt durch die Errichtung, und nach der Nutzung des Abbruches von Gebäuden noch ein weiteres Problem auf, und zwar ein Flächenproblem. So wurde in der Vergangenheit ein Großteil der beim Abbruch entstehenden Massen auf Deponien abgelagert. Thema dieser Arbeit ist, welche Schritte notwendig sind, dass in Zukunft verwertbare Materialien verbaut werden, und diese möglichst einfach und in ausreichender Qualität geborgen werden können. Thematisiert werden unter anderem die Fragen, welche Informationen sollten während des Planungsprozesses dokumentiert werden, an welchen Stellen scheitert es derzeit eine Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bauwesen zu implementieren, und welche Beteiligten können den Prozess beeinflussen, sowie welche objektrelevanten Eigenschaften gibt es? Eine mögliche Bewertung dieser Gebäudeeigenschaften schon in der Planungsphase ist diesbezüglich unerlässlich. Es wurde in der Literatur nach Bewertungskonzepten gesucht, ebenso wie weitere Ansätze um die Bauindustrie materialeffizienter zu gestalten, wie Beispielsweise die Wiederverwendung. Ein Bewertungskonzept, welches Recycling relevante Faktoren berücksichtigt wurde in einer Fallstudie getestet und die Ergebnisse mit Experten diskutiert. Die Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass das Wissen, wie konstruiert werden muss, um mit möglichst geringem Aufwand Recyceln zu können vorhanden ist, die Gesetzeslage jedoch einen möglichst kostenarmen Rückbau begünstigt, wodurch die Materialeffizienz verringert wird. Daher ist die Implementierung einer Gebäudebewertung, welche diese Gesichtspunkte berücksichtigt sehr wünschenswert, jedoch als einzelne Maßnahme nicht ausreichend. Zusätzlich ist die Schaffung von Materialkreisläufen essentiell, sowie eine Konkretisierung mancher Gesetzestexte, um diese auch zu nutzen. eng: In the course of time, the global resource requirements of mankind increased. These were the consequences of the establishment of settlements in the first place, followed by the Industrial Revolution. The development of computers and other electronic devices has led to a wider range of required substances and materials. Also the composition of objects in use is becoming more complex. This also applies to the construction industry, where the range of building materials available on the market is constantly increasing as seen from material analysis of buildings of different ages. In terms of resource management, the construction and demolition of buildings is faced with another problem, an area problem. In the past, the majority of the masses generated during the demolition process were deposited in landfills. The focus of this thesis is to examines the steps that are required, that in the future, buildings are constructed in a way that materials can be reused as good as possible, and these can simply be salvaged in sufficient quality. Among other things, the questions that will be addressed are: what information should be documented during the planning process, where is it currently failing to implement a closed cycle economy in the construction industry, and which participants can influence the process, as well as which object-relevant characteristics are there? A possible evaluation of these properties already in the planning phase is essential in this regard. In the literature, evaluation concepts have been sought, as well as other approaches to make the construction industry more material efficient, such as reuse. An evaluation concept that takes recycling relevant factors into account was tested in a case study and the results discussed with experts. The investigations have shown that the knowledge of how to construct in order to be able to recycle with as little effort as possible is available, but that the legal situation favours a deconstruction with as little costs as possible, thereby reducing material efficiency. Therefore, the implementation of a building evaluation that takes these aspects into account is highly desirable, but not sufficient as a single measure. In addition, the creation of material cycles is essential, as well as the concretisation of some laws in order to use them.
In the course of time, the global resource requirements of mankind increased. These were the consequences of the establishment of settlements in the first place, followed by the Industrial Revolution. The development of computers and other electronic devices has led to a wider range of required substances and materials. Also the composition of objects in use is becoming more complex. This also applies to the construction industry, where the range of building materials available on the market is constantly increasing as seen from material analysis of buildings of different ages. In terms of resource management, the construction and demolition of buildings is faced with another problem, an area problem. In the past, the majority of the masses generated during the demolition process were deposited in landfills. The focus of this thesis is to examines the steps that are required, that in the future, buildings are constructed in a way that materials can be reused as good as possible, and these can simply be salvaged in sufficient quality. Among other things, the questions that will be addressed are: what information should be documented during the planning process, where is it currently failing to implement a closed cycle economy in the construction industry, and which participants can influence the process, as well as which object-relevant characteristics are there? A possible evaluation of these properties already in the planning phase is essential in this regard. In the literature, evaluation concepts have been sought, as well as other approaches to make the construction industry more material efficient, such as reuse. An evaluation concept that takes recycling relevant factors into account was tested in a case study and the results discussed with experts. The investigations have shown that the knowledge of how to construct in order to be able to recycle with as little effort as possible is available, but that the legal situation favours a deconstruction with as little costs as possible, thereby reducing material efficiency. Therefore, the implementation of a building evaluation that takes these aspects into account is highly desirable, but not sufficient as a single measure. In addition, the creation of material cycles is essential, as well as the concretisation of some laws in order to use them.