Xiao, Z., He, D., Chen, Y., Chronopoulos, A. T., Dustdar, S., & Du, J. (2020). A Bilateral Game Approach for Task Outsourcing in Multi-access Edge Computing (2008.11617). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2008.11617
Internet of Things (IoT); Nash equilibrium; Multi-access edge computing (MEC); Task outsourcing; Bidding mechanism; Noncooperative game
Multi-access edge computing (MEC) is a promising architecture to provide low-latency applications for future Internet of Things (IoT)-based network systems. Together with the increasing scholarly attention on task offloading, the problem of edge servers' resource allocation has been widely studied. Most of previous works focus on a single edge server (ES) serving multiple terminal entities (TEs), which restricts their access to sufficient resources. In this paper, we consider a MEC resource transaction market with multiple ESs and multiple TEs, which are interdependent and mutually influence each other. However, this many-to-many interaction requires resolving several problems, including task allocation, TEs' selection on ESs and conflicting interests of both parties. Game theory can be used as an effective tool to realize the interests of two or more conflicting individuals in the trading market. Therefore, we propose a bilateral game framework among multiple ESs and multiple TEs by modeling the task outsourcing problem as two noncooperative games: the supplier and customer side games. In the first game, the supply function bidding mechanism is employed to model the ESs' profit maximization problem. The ESs submit their bids to the scheduler, where the computing service price is computed and sent to the TEs. While in the second game, TEs determine the optimal demand profiles according to ESs' bids to maximize their payoff. The existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium in the aforementioned games are proved. A distributed task outsourcing algorithm (DTOA) is designed to determine the equilibrium. Simulation results have demonstrated the superior performance of DTOA in increasing the ESs' profit and TEs' payoff, as well as flattening the peak and off-peak load.