Manjally, D. (2023). The Role of Digitalization and Sustainability in the Manufacturing Industry [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Digitalization; Sustainability; Manufacturing; Industry 4.0
The manufacturing sector, in its current form, is transitioning towards a new era. New industrial technologies and innovative approaches have gained as much importance to the manufacturing sector as the gained awareness and importance of a focus onsustainable practices. This research paper aims to investigate current market trends and will address the research question, “What is the role of Digitalization and Sustainability in the Manufacturing Industry?”. The primary purpose of this researchpaper is to portray the current status of the evolution of the manufacturing industry and to investigate the challenges surrounding the incorporation of digitalization and sustainability into the contemporary manufacturing business. An in-depth literaturereview combined with a critical analysis of current market statistics is used to gather a comprehensive view of how to implement a sustainable digitalization strategy. Thefindings of the research show that modern technologies will allow machines to performmajor tasks from monitoring and mitigation to planning and implementing projects ina more efficient manner. It also reveals that although the manufacturing sector is oneof the biggest contributors to global sustainability issues, it can also be an integral part of the solution. The concept of sustainable Industry 4.0, where environmentally friendly procedures and technology are central, is very crucial to mitigate any challenges and transform the sector. The findings of this research will contribute to abetter understanding of how industrial organizations can become more productive,flexible, and environmentally responsible. Establishing industry-wide standards and recommended practices for digitization and sustainability in manufacturing will facilitate the process of adopting and implementing these strategies. It is of the utmost importance to draw people's attention to the fact that digitalization alone is not a silverbullet capable of ensuring the future economic sustainability of the manufacturing sector. It must be implemented in conjunction with a variety of other policies andpractices that promote sustainability.
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