Diese Publikation beschäftigt sich mit hybriden Netzwerkarchitekturen auf Basis von UNIX-Betriebssystemen, Linux, BSD und Cisco, somit mit Aspekten der Signalisierung (Routing) und des Forwardings. IPv4, IPV6 und Multicast-Routing werden behandelt.<br />
Integrated Cisco and UNIX Network Architectures shows how Cisco routers, switches, and firewalls work together with UNIX operating systems in an integrated routing/networking environment. It reveals not just the feasibility, but also the desirability and strengths of Cisco/UNIX integrated routing with regards to systems integration and feature requirements. Detailed, progressively complex lab scenarios emphasize enterprise and ISP requirements, casting light on the similarities and differences of these two worlds, forwarding and signaling issues and a comparison of the UNIX network stacks and standard compliance with Cisco IOS. Part I lays the foundation, covering routing software, operating system features, kernel requirements, Layer-2 issues and gateway interfaces. Part II covers the heart of Cisco-UNIX routing by discussing the important concepts of integrated dynamic routing including the UNIX routing table. Advanced concepts are tackled in Part III, beginning with a discussion of tunnels and VPNs and gradually emphasizing on high availability, NAT, bandwidth management, policy routing, and multicast architectures.