Stix, B. (2008). A new imaging system for dual-species atomchip experiments [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
E141 - Atominstitut der Österreichischen Universitäten
Date (published):
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OPtik; Atom; BEC
OPtic; Atom; BEC
In the field of ultracold atoms, the development of high-quality optical imaging systems to further push the envelope of detection remains a challenge. This thesis deals with the design, setup and testing of an optical imaging system to observe ultracold bosons and fermions in an atom chip environment. Originally, experiments with ultracold atoms focused on the detection of the realisation of the condensate, while today the best performace and resolution of the imaging system is required for the observation of features within the condensates.Many groups are currently trying to increase the resolution and thereby the significance of the imag with all means. In this thesis, a transversal imaging system for an elongated atom cloud is described which, with low financial effort, reaches a resolution of 1.5 +- 0.2 µm and which can detect atomic densities of a few atoms per cubic micrometer. In addition, a longitudinal imaging system is described. Both imaging systems were designed, built and tested, paying particular attention to alignment issues and the requirement that the systems will be used for two different light wavelengths (for potassium (767 nm) and for rubidium (780 nm)).