Sreerama, S. G. (2008). Analysis and concept of an electronic health record solution for rural Andhra Pradesh [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
E183 - Institut für Rechnergestützte Automation (Automatisierungssysteme. Mustererkennung)
Date (published):
Number of Pages:
Gesundheitsakte; e-health; Elektronischen; Patienten; Akte; health-IT; indien; informatik; EHR
e-health; electronic; health; record; health-IT; india; informatics; EHR
With the advancements in E-Health worldwide, the importance for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) has been recognized. Denmark has already implemented the EHR system and it has proven advantageous to the healthcare system. Other countries like Austria and Germany are making their way in introducing the EHRs in their respective countries. This thesis work is to propose a plan for implementing an EHR system in the state called Andhra Pradesh in India. Starting with the introduction into current health telematics the thesis introduces the state of Andhra Pradesh and gives information about its present state of healthcare. The thesis then explains the importance of health records and introduces the EHR system which includes the definition, standards, known uses and projects undertaken. An example of Denmark with its overview, organizations involved in implementing the EHR system and the implementation is explained in the chapter 2. The plan also suggests an architectural design for the implementation and lists the stakeholders of the EHR. It presents the advantages and risks of the EHR system in the state. A list of use cases for the stakeholders is presented. The use cases describe how the users can efficiently use the system.<br />