Zahirovic, A. (2022). Verkehrssicherheit im Urbanen Bereich [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
1972 is regarded as the blackest year in the history of Austrian traffic statistics with a number of 2.948 traffic fatalities. Due to the introduction of decisive measures from 1973, which have had a positive effect on road safety, the number of fatalities on austrian roads has steadily decreased since then. The introduction of speed limits on federal roads and later also on motorways have avoided countless accidents or drastically reduced the severity of accidents. Other measures that are important for road safety in road traffic are the introduction of the obligation to wear seat belts and the start of the use of alcohol-controlled alcohol. 370 road fatalities were recorded in 2022 compared to 1972. That is around one eighth of all those killed in 1972.The aim of this work is to compare road safety in urban areas and in open areas based on evaluated accident statistics. The basics of road safety and the definition of terms are explained in more detail in the theoretical part of this diploma thesis. In order to better understand the development of road safety in relation to Austria, Chapter 4 describes the historical development and the measures introduced from 1973 onwards.The analytical part of this diploma thesis begins in Chapter 5 with the investigation of the main causes of accidents in road traffic as well as evaluated statistical accident developments for the types of traffic and road users. This evaluation is carried out for the respective study groups in the local area and, in comparison, also outside of the cities. In Chapter 6, in-depth evaluations are carried out for the provincial capitals of St. Pölten, Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt and Bregenz and the surrounding federal states, since sufficient data material required for the evaluation was made available for them. First, the extrinsic or traffic-generating factors are described and explained. The development of accidents in the provincial capitals analyzed for this work is then presented. For comparison, the respective surrounding federal state is considered with regard to the accident statistics in order to be able to draw conclusions to what extent road safety and the accident balance differ in the built up area and in the open country. Finally, the traffic-generating factors are considered more closely using the multiple linear regression analysis in order to be able to conclude possible influences on the accident statistics.
1972 is regarded as the blackest year in the history of Austrian traffic statistics with a number of 2.948 traffic fatalities. Due to the introduction of decisive measures from 1973, which have had a positive effect on road safety, the number of fatalities on austrian roads has steadily decreased since then. The introduction of speed limits on federal roads and later also on motorways have avoided countless accidents or drastically reduced the severity of accidents. Other measures that are important for road safety in road traffic are the introduction of the obligation to wear seat belts and the start of the use of alcohol-controlled alcohol. 370 road fatalities were recorded in 2022 compared to 1972. That is around one eighth of all those killed in 1972.The aim of this work is to compare road safety in urban areas and in open areas based on evaluated accident statistics. The basics of road safety and the definition of terms are explained in more detail in the theoretical part of this diploma thesis. In order to better understand the development of road safety in relation to Austria, Chapter 4 describes the historical development and the measures introduced from 1973 onwards.The analytical part of this diploma thesis begins in Chapter 5 with the investigation of the main causes of accidents in road traffic as well as evaluated statistical accident developments for the types of traffic and road users. This evaluation is carried out for the respective study groups in the local area and, in comparison, also outside of the cities. In Chapter 6, in-depth evaluations are carried out for the provincial capitals of St. Pölten, Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt and Bregenz and the surrounding federal states, since sufficient data material required for the evaluation was made available for them. First, the extrinsic or traffic-generating factors are described and explained. The development of accidents in the provincial capitals analyzed for this work is then presented. For comparison, the respective surrounding federal state is considered with regard to the accident statistics in order to be able to draw conclusions to what extent road safety and the accident balance differ in the built up area and in the open country. Finally, the traffic-generating factors are considered more closely using the multiple linear regression analysis in order to be able to conclude possible influences on the accident statistics.