Mauthner, G., Votruba, W., Ramsauer, C. M., Plessing, L., Trautner, T. F., & Bleicher, F. (2022, July 1). Development of a CAM-in-the-Loop System for Cutting Parameter Optimization using an Instrumented Tool Holder [Conference Presentation]. 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Lugano, Switzerland.
E311-01 - Forschungsbereich Fertigungstechnik E311 - Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Photonische Technologien
Date (published):
Event name:
55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Event date:
29-Jun-2022 - 1-Jul-2022
Event place:
Lugano, Switzerland
CAM-in-the -Loop System
Research facilities:
Project title:
MFP ("Multi-Firm-Project") 1.3: "Flexible Integration of CAM Process Chain based Standard Production Manufacturing Infrastructure" - Engel CAD/CAM: 881843 (FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH)