Khalid, W. (2023). Investigation of detector related systematic effects for the RxB spectrometer NoMoS [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
The Standard Model of Particle Physics encompasses our current understanding of particlephysics. However, due to its limitations, one of the goals of modern experimental physics is to probe the model further and look for physics beyond the Standard Model.One approach is to conduct precision physics experiments in free neutron beta decay.Precise measurements of the decay parameters from the decay provide a complementary approach to high energy searches. They can be used to validate the Standard Model and search for physics beyond it.NoMoS is an R×B momentum spectrometer designed for momentum spectros copy of the charged decay products from the free neutron beta decay using a spatially resolving detector. As the spatially resolved detection of protons with high efficiency from the decay is quite challenging due to their small kinetic energies (<800 eV, 15 ke Vafter post-acceleration), a novel silicon detector to detect low-penetrating particles(<5 μm) with spatial resolution, called the pLGAD, is introduced within this thesis.Furthermore, detailed studies of the detection system for NoMoS and the associated systematic uncertainties are studied within this work. Within that context, the previously unconsidered detection related systematic effect of channeling within the neutron beta decay community is also introduced and discussed in detail. Finally, recommendations are provided for the reduction of the systematic uncertainties arising from the detection system of the experiment to ensure that the final accuracy goal for the decay parameters of our interest can be achieved from the measured spectra.
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