Rakoczi, G. (2023, October 5). Developing EDIN - a quick reference work focusing on topics of e-didactics [Conference Presentation]. Innovating Higher Education Conference 2023, Istanbul, Turkey.
E060-05 - Fachbereich Digital Teaching and Learning
Date (published):
Event name:
Innovating Higher Education Conference 2023
Event date:
4-Oct-2023 - 6-Oct-2023
Event place:
Istanbul, Turkey
e-learning; EDIN; blended learning
For many years, the e-learning team at TU Vienna has been developing and maintaining tutorials on how to use the Moodle learning management software, including its features. There are quick guides, multimedia tutorials and FAQ lists that have been well received by the teaching staff and are actively used. This offer is largely limited to the handling of the e-learning platform and gives practically almost no advice on how the many features of Moodle can be used didactically in teaching. The e-learning team has long seen this as a gap in the support offered to faculty. Fueled by the Corona pandemic, work began on building a reference work for didactic planning of teaching scenarios. EDIN – as a quick reference work – provides hints and initial guidance on didactic issues in online teaching. It can be accessed via a web browser without registration. EDIN is an attempt to link didactics and technical tools in an understandable way by avoiding technical language as much as possible. Since teaching at a university is now also planned with various tools, the didactic notes and scenarios are supplemented with a discussion of other e-learning tools if they are available and maintained at the university. This aspect shows why EDIN is not intended to be a broad public platform. EDIN sees itself as a supplement to public platforms on e-didactics with a focus of online teaching with specific serviced tools of TU Wien. EDIN is intended to provide teachers who are taking their first steps in online teaching with tips on how to plan and use the features of the tools - e.g., for examinations, group work, etc. EDIN is also aimed at teachers who, after their first experiences with Moodle in online teaching, want to further develop their didactic planning and possible uses. Currently, 26 didactic topics are being worked on. These include: Communication, feedback, online assessment, digital teaching content, groups and digital teaching concepts. Each topic is structured in the same way and divided into five levels of outline: a short description, a list of the most important and most common tools for the technical realization of the respective didactic concern (including demos, tutorials etc.), application hints as well as possible difficulties and further reading. The first 10 topics were developed in an iterative process in which the structure and content were repeatedly subjected to self-critical analysis. After obtaining feedback from the teaching staff, the first expansion was completed. EDIN is a "living" product, the current topics are continuously improved, feedback from the target group is taken into account. This paper may help other higher education institutions to plan such a service by providing first-hand insights into the development, analysis and implementation processes.