Daniilidis, A. (2023, July 13). Slope determination and sensitivity for convex functions [Conference Presentation]. International Conference on Optimization and Variational Analysis with Applications 2023 (ICOVAA-2023), Hanoi, Viet Nam.
E105 - Institut für Stochastik und Wirtschaftsmathematik
Date (published):
Event name:
International Conference on Optimization and Variational Analysis with Applications 2023 (ICOVAA-2023)
Event date:
12-Jul-2023 - 15-Jul-2023
Event place:
Hanoi, Viet Nam
Convex function; Determination
We show that the deviation between the slopes of two convex functions controls the deviation between the functions themselves. Therefore, we recover the know fact that a scalar first-order information (slope) robustly determines bounded from below convex functions, up to a constant of integration.
Additional information:
ICOVAA-2023 aims at being an opportunity for researchers and practitioners from various sectors of applied mathematics to present and share new developments in the theory of optimization, variational analysis and their applications.