Steiner, M., & Flores Orozco, A. (2023). formikoj: A flexible library for data management and processing in geophysics—Application for seismic refraction data. Computers and Geosciences, 176, Article 105339.
Cross-platform application; First break picking; Flexible open-source library; Geophysical data processing; Geophysical python library; Seismic refraction; Seismic waveform modeling; Wave based methods
We introduce the open-source library formikoj, which provides a flexible framework for managing and processing geophysical data collected in environmental and engineering investigations. To account for the substantial changes regarding the market shares of operating systems within the last two decades, the library is specifically implemented and tested for cross-platform usage. We illustrate the applicability of the formikoj library for the forward modeling of seismic refraction waveform data with the SeismicWaveformModeler based on a custom subsurface model and survey geometry. We use these synthetic seismic data set to demonstrate the fundamental seismic refraction processing capabilities of the SeismicRefractionManager; thus, illustrating the ability to combine modeling and processing tasks in a single workflow. Based on real 3D field measurements we present the available range of possibilities provided by the formikoj library for the processing of seismic refraction survey data. In particular, we explore different visualization techniques of the seismic traveltime readings to enhance their consistency prior to the inversion with the third-party library pyGIMLi. The low-level access provided by the formikoj library aims at enabling users to implement novel modeling, visualization and processing tools specifically designed for their objectives as well as other geophysical methods.
Environmental Monitoring and Climate Adaptation: 100%