Schmiedmayer, H.-J. (2023, October 10). Quantum simulators for Quantum Field Theories [Conference Presentation]. QuFiCh Workshop: Brainstorm on Intersections between Quantum Fields and Quantum Chemistry 2023, Luxemburg, Luxembourg.
E141-02 - Forschungsbereich Atom Physics and Quantum Optics
Date (published):
Event name:
QuFiCh Workshop: Brainstorm on Intersections between Quantum Fields and Quantum Chemistry 2023
Event date:
9-Oct-2023 - 11-Oct-2023
Event place:
Luxemburg, Luxembourg
Quantum simulation
Quantum Simulation promises insight into quantum physics problems which are beyond the ability to calculate with conventional methods. Quantum simulators can be built either using a ‘digital’ Trotter decomposition of the problem or by directly building the Hamiltonian in the lab and performing ‘analogue’ experiments. I will present here a different approach, by which the model to simulate a Quantum Field Theory emerges naturally from a completely different microscopic Hamiltonian. I will illustrate this in the example of the emergence of the Sine-Gordon quantum field theory from the microscopic description of two tunnel coupled super fluids [1]. Special emphasis will be put on how to verify such emergent quantum simulators and how to characterize them. Thereby I will present different tools: High order correlation functions and their factorization [1], the evaluation of the quantum effective action and the momentum dependence of propagators and vertices (running couplings, renormalization of mass etc ..) of the emerging quantum field theory [2] and quantum field tomography that points to a new way to read out quantum simulators [3] and our path to directly learn the quantum simulated Hamiltonian from the experimental data. Together they establish general methods to analyse quantum systems through experiments and thus represents a crucial ingredient towards the implementation and verification of emerging quantum simulators. As an example, I will report on measuring area laws of mutual information [4] in a quantum simulation of the Klein-Gordon model.
Work performed in collaboration with the groups of Th. Gasenzer und J. Berges (Heidelberg), Jens Eisert (FU Berlin) and E. Demler (Harvard/ETH). Supported by the DFG-FWF: SFB ISOQUANT, and the EU: ERC-AdG QuantumRelax and EmQ