Maleczek, R., Sharifmoghaddam, K., Nawratil, G., & Preisinger, C. (2023). Bridging the gap-A study on foldable tubular bridges. In Y. M. Xie, J. Burry, T. U. Lee, & J. Ma (Eds.), Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2023 : Integration of Design and Fabrication (pp. 1676–1686).
E104-03 - Forschungsbereich Differentialgeometrie und geometrische Strukturen
Published in:
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2023 : Integration of Design and Fabrication
Date (published):
Event name:
IASS Annual Symposium 2023
Event date:
10-Jul-2023 - 14-Jul-2023
Event place:
Melbourne, Australia
Number of Pages:
bridges; foldable structures
Recent investigations on foldable structures and particularly foldable tubes, raise the question if they
can be advantageous for the construction of bridge-like beams. Transporting a flat packed structure on
site and deploying it there, instead of bringing or constructing the structure on site will have a positive
impact on the grey energy. Although a straight beam shows a better performance than a folded one with
identical cross-section, the energy saved in transportation might justify the effort. In order to be able to
answer this complex question, many steps and investigations need to be done. This paper will answer
some questions concerning foldable structures and their geometry-related structural performance.
During the ongoing research on T-hedral tubes, the authors developed a strategy to generate flat-foldable
tubular beams, on which this particular investigation is based. For the paper at hand a set of these beams,
with different cross-sections and variable amount of folds will be compared with respect to their
structural performance. The study will focus on their geometry without exact detailing of the hinges or
the material thickness. With the help of a parametric model a generic solver [1] and a FEM-module [2]
the authors developed a method that evaluates the beams based on their weight after optimisation, in
final unfolded state as well as in different configurations during unfolding.
Project title:
Advanced Computational Design: F 77 (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds)