We show that the output power of symmetricalslot-antenna resonant-tunneling-diode (RTD) oscillators depends on the slot width. The dependence could be used as a finetuning degree of freedom to increase the output power of the oscillators. The fine-tuning mechanism is related to maximizing the RTD-oscillation amplitude by a proper balance between the slot-antenna radiation and ohmic losses, and the slot susceptance. The presented simulation results are in agreement with the experimental data in the frequency range of 150-400 GHz. We report the output powers of 283 μW at 184 GHz and 82 μW at 368 GHz, which are very close to the state-of-the-art literature data for the given type of RTD oscillators.
Research facilities:
Zentrum für Mikro & Nanostrukturen
Project title:
Multi-THz resonant-tunneling-diode oscillators: P 30892-N30 (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds)
Research Areas:
Telecommunication: 20% Nanoelectronics: 50% Design and Engineering of Quantum Systems: 30%