Hellmich, C. (2023, December 4). Up and Downscaling Revisited: A Fresh Look at Multiscale Solid Mechanics [Presentation]. Distinguished lecture of the North Dakota State University 2023, United States of America (the).
E202-01 - Forschungsbereich Festigkeitslehre und Biomechanik
Date (published):
Event name:
Distinguished lecture of the North Dakota State University 2023
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Event place:
United States of America (the)
Multiscal Solid Mechanics
Multiscale modeling has become one of the dominant trends in solid mechanics and its neighboring
fields over recent decades, opening new avenues and showing great potential for understanding and solving
pressing engineering problems. At the same time, important questions arise on the theoretical foundations of
scale transitions, in particular so concerning the partially overlapping realms of force field-based molecular
mechanics and its coarse-grained variants on the one hand, and of homogenization theory within continuum
mechanics on the other hand. Aiming at contributing to a better understanding of the theoretical pillars of
multiscale mechanics, we will trace back both the stress average rule and the virial stress concept to the
principle of virtual power, and provide a general semi-analytical frame for stress and strain up and
downscaling in complex composites, along with application examples ranging from DNA to biocomposites.