Drescher, M., Hentschel, M., Kienberger, R., Uiberacker, M., Yakovlev, V., Scrinzi, A., Westerwalbesloh, Th., Kleineberg, U., Heinzmann, U., & Krausz, F. (2002). Time-resolved atomic inner-shell spectroscopy. Nature, 419, 803–807. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature01143
The characteristic time constants of the relaxation dynamics of core-excited atoms have hitherto been inferred from the linewidths of electronic transitions measured by continuous-wave extreme ultraviolet or X-ray spectroscopy. Here we demonstrate that a laser-based sampling system, consisting of a few-femtosecond visible light pulse and a synchronized sub-femtosecond soft X-ray pulse, allows us to trace these dynamics directly in the time domain with attosecond resolution. We have measured a lifetime of 7.9₋₀.₉⁺¹.⁰ fs of M-shell vacancies of krypton in such a pump-probe experiment.